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Training Programme

If you would like to hear more about Safe Steps, domestic abuse, or the referral pathway for the Essex Integrated Domestic Abuse Services we would be happy to arrange a time to come and present to your organisation or team and answer any questions.

If you want training, one of our experienced and skilled trainers can come to you. If you would like to arrange training for your organisation or team, we have a range of 1-day training courses available:

  • Basic Domestic Abuse Awareness
  • Enhanced Domestic Abuse Awareness
  • Assessing Risk and DASHric2009
  • Teenage Relationship Abuse

For more information: enquiries@safesteps.org

Leading Light Accredited

Safe Steps is SafeLives Leading Lights accredited!

What is Leading Lights?

The Leading Lights programme is designed to recognise and reward good and safe practice in risk-led, community-based domestic abuse services.

What does a Leading Lights Accreditation mean?

Gaining this certification gives us the mark of quality for domestic abuse service and our ability to provide the most effective response to keep survivors safe. It means we have met a high set of standards for supporting survivors through a risk-led approach. It also demonstrates staff knowledge and confidence in their roles as well as developing consistency across different functions and sites.

Leading Lights said, “Safe Steps is a progressive and client focused service that wraps their provision and support around their clients’ needs. Proactive engagement with multiagency services was shown on 100% cases reviewed.”

Leading Lights Standards

The programme standards looked at our service provision, our work with partner agencies, our staffing structure and support framework (HR) and the governance supporting our service.

A full audit covering our adult IDVA support services was conducted plus a case audit. Four Managers who have achieved their Domestic Abuse Service Manager qualification were put forward for the accredited training programme and qualification. The training covered managing a risk-led domestic abuse service: from case management and staff support to strategy and governance. The dedicated training and action-learning sets also covered the key aspects of managing a risk-led domestic abuse service.

We completed a self-assessment which reviewed our service against the Leading Lights standards. Then a thorough service assessment was carried out by a Leading Lights assessor following a visit to us. A lot of work and dedication went into meeting these standards.

Educational Videos

This educational video has been created to help Early Years professionals and practitioners across Southend spot the signs of domestic abuse, know how to respond to disclosures and where to go to get help.

Domestic abuse is complex; it’s not just signs of physical abuse to look out for but coercive control, financial abuse and/or sexual abuse. The impact on families and children can be devastating.

By watching this video, we hope that you and your colleagues are more informed and know where to signpost to:

Feeling Safe – Identifying domestic abuse in Early Years and the pathways to support

This Safe Steps video has been produced in collaboration with A Better Start Southend, YourFamily and Southend Family Centres.

Watch this space for more videos.

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Volunteering opportunties
Find out all our latest opportunities to join our team, whether that’s as staff or as a volunteer.
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Donate Your money can make a huge difference to those affected by domestic abuse, so why not help support someone today. Donate now
Leading Light Accreditation Logo 2023
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